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The PROBoter software framework

10. Juli, 2023 #proboter #embedded security #secforcars #toolrelease

The last part of the PROBoter series showed how innovative algorithms can help an embedded system pentester to analyze recorded voltage signals of an unknown PCB. Besides basic signal characteristics, these algorithms can link signal lines and identify communication buses typically found on PCBs like I2C or SPI. In this final post of the PROBoter series, we draw the big picture of the PROBoter software framework. In parallel to the release of this post, all missing services forming the framework are released on the PROBoter Github repo.

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Visual PCB analysis with Neural Networks and classic Computer Vision algorithms

8. August, 2022 #proboter #embedded security #secforcars #toolrelease

The last part of the PROBoter series introduced the heart of the PROBoter framework - the hardware platform. The platform allows (semi) automated electrical probing of an unknown PCB which is usually a very time consuming and error prone task. This post focuses on methods to automate the initial analysis step of an embedded system - the visual analysis of the PCB(s) forming the device under test.

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SecForCARs Demo Video of our PROBoter released

2. Februar, 2022 #proboter #automotive security #embedded security #secforcars #toolrelease #news

The PROBoter is a modular, self-calibrating probing machine to support PCB analysis tasks in penetration tests of embedded systems. The video of the PROBoter demonstrates its four main contributions: 1) The automatic visual detection of components and contact points on a PCB, 2) the automatic probing of contact points for net reversing and signal detection, 3) the mapping of signal lines to given bus protocols, and 4) the support in identification of potential attack vectors.

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The PROBoter hardware platform

2. Februar, 2022 #proboter #embedded security #secforcars #toolrelease

The first part of the PROBoter series gave an introduction to the manual process of embedded system pentesting. It then showed a possible automated workflow which will be implemented in the form of the PROBoter platform. After a longer phase of further internal development and evaluation, this post describes the core component of the PROBoter framework - a hardware platform for automated electrical probing and PCB image generation.

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19. März, 2020 #toolrelease #cloud

Hands-on practice is an efficient way for penetration testers to gain in-depth knowledge of a certain skill or technology. Providing hands-on practice requires setting up an environment for test and training purposes. Setting up a test environment manually can be time-consuming and very frustrating. This is caused by long installation processes and configuration procedures. Besides that, setting up big test environments can be expensive due to the necessary infrastructure or computational power.

preview-image for Image of the Modify the Threats Tab of the TMTe4PT tool.

Threat Modeling with TMTe4PT

20. Februar, 2019 #threat modeling #toolrelease #automotive security #secforcars #embedded security

From a traditional point of view, vehicles used to be closed systems in which components communicated between each other over a central vehicle bus and no connection to remote systems was possible. However, this has drastically changed during the last years with increasing connectivity and autonomy of today’s vehicles. While car manufacturers have a long experience in dealing with safety problems, dealing with security risks raised by this development is a relatively new domain for them.

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14. Februar, 2018 #embedded security #toolrelease #automotive security #fuzzing

Disclaimer: The elaboration and software project associated to this subject are results of a Bachelor’s thesis created at SCHUTZWERK in collaboration with Aalen University by Philipp Schmied. While car manufacturers steadily refine and advance vehicle systems, requirements of the underlying networks increase even further. Striving for smart cars, a fast-growing amount of components are interconnected within a single car. This results in specialized and often proprietary car protocols built based on standardized technology.

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