March 12, 2025 #event #sponsor #news
SCHUTZWERK supports Elbsides 2025 in Hamburg as a local security company
SCHUTZWERK supports Elbsides 2025 in Hamburg as a local security company
German OWASP Day 2024 is just around the corner! On the 12th and 13th of November 2024, the conference organized by the German branch of OWASP will take place in Leipzig. As in the previous year, SCHUTZWERK is an official sponsor of the conference. We are happy to do our part and support OWASP and its conference. At the conference will be both technical and non-technical presentations on application security.
We’re Heading to the Elbsides 2024 Conference ! SCHUTZWERK has been awaiting the Elbsides conference for a while, and now it’s just around the corner. However, we are not only participating, but, as we have previously announced, we are also sponsoring Elbsides, as a Bronze Sponsor. Elbsides relies on sponsors to keep the lights on and we’re glad to lend a hand, as Elbsides is truly a conference worth supporting.
The Elbsides 2024 Conference will take place in Hamburg on 13 September 2024. We are happy to be a sponsor again. After last year’s successful Elbsides Light Conference, this year’s conference from the BSides series will once again be a full-day event. The Security BSides are organised by the security experts to bring the IT security community together. We are looking forward to exciting presentations and a good personal exchange on site.
On June 15, Baral Connect 2023 takes place in Reutlingen. SCHUTZWERK GmbH is an official sponsor and speaker of the event.
After a pause of several years the GERMAN OWASP DAY 2023 will take place in Frankfurt on the 30th and 31st of May 2023. SCHUTZWERK is an official sponsor of the event. The GERMAN OWASP DAY 2023 will be hosted by the German OWASP Chapter. The German OWASP Day is the most important, independent and non-commercial conference on application security in Germany. The event offers exciting talks about secure development, operation, testing and management in the field of applications.
On May 15, 2022, BSides Munich will start with workshops, followed by interesting talks the next day! After during the last two years all onsite events either had to be cancelled, were only feasible under difficult conditions or were planned virtually, we SCHUTZWERKers are happy that this year a bit of normality has returned. As a bronze sponsor, we are therefore happy to support BSides Munich , which will once again be held as an onsite conference in Munich!
This year, SCHUTZWERK is not only a sponsor of Elbsides , but will also hold a talk on June 22, 2021 at 4:10 p.m. The topic of our colleague Dr. Henning Kopp will be ‘Padding Oracle Attacks - The critical bug in your home-brewed crypto protocol’
The first BSides will take place in Hamburg on September 16, 2019. We are an official sponsor of this event. After three successful years in Munich and since this year also in Stuttgart, the North of Germany finally won the BSides' heart! Under the title Elbsides , all security interested people are invited who live especially in the North of the Elbe. The Security BSides is organized by experts of IT security to bring the IT security community together.
The 10th German OWASP Day will take place in Münster on the 20th of November. SCHUTZWERK GmbH is an official sponsor of the event. The German OWASP Day 2018 , like every year, will be hosted by the German OWASP Chapter, this year for the tenth time. The German OWASP Day is the most important, independent and non-commercial conference on application security in Germany. The event offers exciting lectures on secure development, operation, testing and management in the field of applications.
hardwear.io will take place in Den Haag/Netherlands on 11th-13th of September 2018. SCHUTZWERK GmbH is an official sponsor of the event. hardwear.io Security Conference is a platform for hardware and security community where researchers showcase and discuss their innovative research on attacking and defending hardware. The conference will present and discuss current topics of hardware security, for example concerning automotive and IoT sectors. SCHUTZWERK regularly conducts technical assessments and security consulting in the area of embedded systems and IoT, see also Embedded Systems Assessment .
The 9th German OWASP Day will take place in Essen on the 14th of November. SCHUTZWERK GmbH is an official sponsor of the event. The German OWASP Day 2017 , like every year, will be hosted by the German OWASP Chapter. The German OWASP Day is the most important, independent and non-commercial conference on application security in Germany. The event offers exciting lectures on secure development, operation, testing and management in the field of applications.
hardwear.io will take place in Den Haag/Netherlands on 21st-22nd of September 2017. SCHUTZWERK GmbH is an official sponsor of the event. hardwear.io Security Conference is a platform for hardware and security community where researchers showcase and discuss their innovative research on attacking and defending hardware. The conference will present and discuss current topics of hardware security, for example concerning automotive and IoT sectors. SCHUTZWERK regularly conducts technical assessments and security consulting in the area of embedded systems and IoT, see also Embedded Systems Assessment .
Since 2012 SCHUTZWERK is sponsoring the mens handball team I of the SG Ulm & Wiblingen. This year it was time again for new tracksuits and warm-up shirts. The best wishes from SCHUTZWERK to the regional league team from SG Ulm & Wiblingen for the game season 2016 / 2017.
The 8th German OWASP Day will take place in Darmstadt on the 29th of November. SCHUTZWERK GmbH is an official sponsor of the event. The yearly German OWASP Day conference is hosted by the OWASP German Chapter. The event features interesting talks and presentation concerning secure development, operations, test and management in the area of application security, with a focus on web applications. In addition, interdisciplinary and non-technical topics are also presented.