November 20, 2024
Planning and Implementing IT Security Assessments

Organized by SCHUTZWERK and udis - Ulmer Akademie für Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit, this seminar offers the perfect opportunity to take your IT security strategy to the next level.
What is it about?
This practice-oriented seminar shows how companies can improve their IT security through targeted assessments such as penetration tests, vulnerability analyses, or phishing simulations. Christoph Wolfert, Managing Consultant at SCHUTZWERK, teaches the basics of planning and implementing such tests in a compact seminar day. With a maximum of 18 participants, a personal and intensive learning atmosphere is ensured.
Who is the target group?
The seminar is aimed at IT security officers, IT managers, managing directors, and other IT decision-makers. Basic knowledge of IT and information security is an advantage, but not a prerequisite.
Thanks to EU funding, participants from Baden-Württemberg can take part in the seminar at particularly low cost.
Further Information and Registration
Prüfung der IT-Sicherheit im Unternehmen – udis
Register now, we look forward to seeing you!